首页 > 2016年专题 > 1107社会责任年会 > 正文 

  CTEI网讯  由中国纺织工业联合会主办,工业和信息化部、国务院国有资产监督管理委员会支持,中国纺织工业联合会社会责任办公室、中国纺织信息中心承办的2016年中国纺织服装行业社会责任年会在上海举行。来自巴基斯坦等4个国家和地区的6位纺织行业代表与中国纺织工业联合会签署了《亚洲纺织服装行业负责任供应链区域合作治理宣言》,全文如下:



Declaration on Regional Collaborative Governance of Responsible Supply Chain in the Asian Textile and Garment Industry



  We, textile and garment industry organizations of Asian countries and parties to this Declaration,


  Recognizing that the textile and garment industry has played an important role in securing employment, improving livelihoods, reducing poverty and promoting social development in all countries;


  Recognizing the significance of a healthy and sustainable textile and garment industry to relevant economies in achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals;


  Recognizing that Asia enjoys an irreplaceable position and great potential in the global textile and garment supply chain;


  Noting that cross-jurisdictional challenges on human rights, labor standards and environmental protection exist in every aspect of the textile and garment supply chain, together with imbalanced supply chain structures and governance gaps underlying such challenges; and


  Acknowledging that all participants of global textile and garment value chain should assume common but differentiated responsibilities in systematically addressing relevant challenges as mentioned above;


  Hereby declare and request as follows:

  1. 本地区各国政府、纺织服装业界及其利益相关方须大力支持纺织服装行业在本地区各国的发展,包括完善产业体系,增强产业活力,以充分发挥其在促进本地区国民经济和社会进步中的重要作用;

  1. All governments, textile and garment industry players and other stakeholders in the region shall grant strong support to the development of the textile and garment industry of their respective countries, particularly by improving industry structures and strengthening the industry’s vitality, in order to give full play to the industry’s important role in promoting national economic and social advancement;

  2. 本地区各国政府和纺织服装业界推出并支持促进相互投资以及便利贸易的公共政策,包括便利和促进国际产能合作与跨境投资的政策,以缔造公平、高效的投资环境和有活力、包容性的区域及国际贸易体系,实现各国间的互惠互利和本地区的共同繁荣;

  2. All governments and textile and garment industry players in the region shall  introduce and support public policies in favor of mutual investment and reciprocal trade relations, including policies that facilitate and promote international capacity cooperation and cross-border investments, so as to create a fair and efficient investment environment, as well as a dynamic and inclusive regional and international trade system, and to achieve mutual benefits among all countries and common prosperity in the region;

  3. 本地区各国政府、纺织服装业界及其利益相关方须倡导和支持本地区纺织服装行业在价值链各环节的负责任企业行为与可持续发展,包括在投资、生产、流通和消费等环节应对劳工、人权、公平竞争和环境保护挑战;

  3. All governments, textile and garment industry players and other stakeholders in the region shall advocate and support responsible business conducts at all aspects of the value chain and sustainable growth of the region’s textile and garment industry, including addressing challenges concerning labor standards, human rights, fair competition and environmental protection at investment, production, circulation, consumption and other stages;

  4. 为了应对这些挑战,本地区各国政府、纺织服装业界及其利益相关方须在各个国家以及本地区层面采取因地制宜而又相互协调的治理策略和联合行动,包括建立必要的公私合作伙伴关系机制和区域协调机制;

  4. To address such challenges, all governments, textile and garment industry players and other stakeholders in the region shall adopt country-specific yet well-coordinated governance strategies and joint actions both at national and regional levels, including establishment of necessary public-private partnership and regional coordination mechanisms;

  5. 本地区各国纺织服装行业组织须增强互信,加强对话和经验分享,通力合作,包括建立互通共享的信息平台和能力建设机制,以增强本地区纺织服装企业应对可持续发展挑战,致力于负责任企业行为的意识和能力;

  5. All textile and garment industry organizations in the region shall increase mutual trust, strengthen dialogue and experience-sharing, and intensify reciprocal collaboration, including the establishment of interactive information sharing platforms and capacity building mechanisms, to enhance local textile and garment businesses’ awareness and their ability towards addressing sustainability challenges and committing to responsible business conducts;

  6. 国际采购商和品牌商、其它各国政府、国际政府间组织和非政府组织,以及世界各国消费者等利益相关方应关注和支持亚洲纺织服装行业的可持续发展,包括促进标准间的协调,支持建立公平、可持续的供应链利益结构和负责任的采购和消费模式。

  6. International buyers and brand operators, governments beyond the region, international intergovernmental organizations and non-governmental organizations, as well as all consumers and other stakeholders across the world shall pay attention to and support the sustainable development of the Asian textile and garment industry, including advancing harmonization of standards, supporting the establishment of an equitable and sustainable supply chain interest structure and responsible purchasing and consumption modes.


  In witness whereof, the parties hereto have executed this Declaration on Regional Collaborative Governance of Responsible Supply Chain in the Asian Textile and Garment Industry, agreeing to identify specific projects and actions that conform to the spirits hereof through good-faith dialogue and consultation.


  Signatory Parties (in alphabetical order by country name):


  Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BGMEA)


  Garment Manufacturers Association in Cambodia (GMAC)


  China National Textile and Apparel Council (CNTAC)


  Myanmar Garment Manufacturers Association (MGMA)


  All Pakistan Textile Mills Association (APTMA)


  Pakistan Hosiery Manufacturers & Exporters Association (PHMA)


  Towel Manufacturers Association of Pakistan (TMA)


  Executed this Declaration on the 7th day of November, 2016, in Shanghai

  The People’s Republic of China


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